

舉報 評價

EV6000 LED冷光源黑光燈/紫外燈





詳細信息 在線詢價

EV6000 LED  手持式冷光源黑光燈

The EV6000 is the latest in LED technology from Magnaflux, building on 5 years of LED UV lamp designs and over 85 years in the non-destructive testing industry. UV-A radiation is generated by special high-performance LEDs and focused through custom-designed optics to provide the maximum irradiated area available from any hand-held lamp on the market. Each unit is shipped with a manufacturer’s certificate of conformance which meets or exceeds all current specifications for use with fluorescent liquid penetrant and magnetic particle testing.  


  • Wide, Uniform Beam with No Hot-Spots: Inspections of large structures and areas can be done faster with the EV6000, thanks to the widest beam on the market from a hand-held lamp. At 9 inches wide, the beam is a full 33% wider than a average UV light. Custom-designed optics provide an extremely intense and even coverage of UV-A for clearly visible indications, and the included filter ensures minimal visible light emission.

  • Rugged and Durable Design: Fluorescent inspection is not only done in a laboratory, it’s done out in the real world. The EV6000 is designed to stand up to the kinds of environments that NDT professionals deal with. With reinforced construction and a sealed enclosure using chemical-resistant materials, there are no fan-cooling systems to clog or fail. And clouded optics are a thing of the past with Magnaflux’s custom-designed optics that do not solarize.

  • Improved Operator and Environmental Safety: Faster inspections and rugged design are not the only reason to switch to the EV6000. Its compact, lightweight, easy-to-hold design weighs in a full 30% less than mercury-vapor UV lamps, reducing stress and fatigue in the inspection booth. Cool-running LEDs and passive heat dissipation prevent any risk of operator burns, eliminating the need for a cooling fan to further reduce energy costs. Making the switch to LED is an environmental plus as well, eliminating the need for fragile mercury-vapor lamps and the hazardous waste associated with them.

  • Certified to Latest Specifications: Each EV6000 unit is individually certified to the latest ASTM standards for LED UV lamps. With its controlled emission and included UV filter, the EV6000 meets or exceeds all Aerospace Prime and OEM specifications for emission spectrum and beam profile.


Maximum Irradiance (at 15 in / 38 cm)

5,000 μW/cm2

Peak Wavelength

365 ±5 nm

Typical Irradiated Area (beam profile at 15 in / 38 cm)

Circular spot, 9 in / 23 cm diameter, > 1,000 μW/cm2 UV-A intensity

Emission Spectrum

·  Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM)

≤ 15 nm

·  Longest Wavelength at Half Max (LWHM)

≤ 377 nm

·  +/- Width at Half Maximum

≤ ±10 nm

·  Full Width at 10% Maximum (FW10%)

≤ 30 nm

·  +/- Width at 10% Maximum

≤ ± 15 nm

Excitation Irradiance (347-382 nm)

≥ 2,000 μW/cm2

Wavelength Drift (at elevated temperature)

≤ 5 nm

Working Distances


Min. WD ≤ 6 in / 13 cm

·  RRES 90061

Min. WD = 15 in/ 38 cm

Max. WD = 36 in / 92 cm

Typical Visible Emission

·  ASTM range(400-760 nm)

≤ 2 ft-candles a 15 in / 38 cm

·  RRES 90061 range (390-800 nm)

≤ 20 lux at 15 in / 38 cm (min. WD)

≤ 5 lux at 36 in / 92 cm (max. WD)

Operating Environment

40-120°F / 5-49°C

max. 90% relative humidity

Warm-Up Time (ambient conditions)

5 minutes

Maximum Housing Temperature

< 120°F / 49°C

Lamp Cord Length

17 ft / 5.18 m

Power Supply Cord Length

9 ft / 2.75 m


2 lb / 0.9 kg

Power in

100-240 VAC / 50-60 Hz / < 1 A

Specification Compliance

ASTM E3022

RRES 90061

EV5000 LED  手持式冷光源黑光燈

Vibrance EV5000 LED黑光燈具有著的質量穩定性,每臺設備出廠都經過了嚴格的逐件 檢測,以確保波長嚴格控制在365 – 370納米之間。由于采用了LED光源,其使用壽命提高至 50,000小時。此外,它還采用人體工程學設計, 較之傳統的汞蒸氣黑光燈,不僅重量減輕了 30%,而且能節省90%的能耗,并為在保修期內出現故障的***終用戶提供免費的備用燈。


? 檢驗認證,嚴格確保波長為365 – 370納米
? 產品整個使用過程中,確保穩定的強度輸出,不會隨使用時間的延長而衰減
? LED燈泡的平均使用壽命高達50,000小時
? 快速啟動,即可使用,無需預熱
? 輕便的人體工程學設計,減輕操作者的肌肉疲勞
? 附帶白光照明燈
? 堅固的鋁合金外殼,確保長期使用


? 重 量 約2磅 (0.91kg)
? 尺 寸 9.5” x 6.5” x 4” (241mm x 265mm x 102mm)
? 紫外光源 4 x 高質量LED光源燈組
? LED燈泡壽命 50,000小時 (平均)
? 波長范圍 365 - 370nm
? UV范圍 UVB或UVC成分
? 工作電壓 24V DC
? 電源輸入 115V-240V AC/60Hz/單相
? 功 耗 <15w<>





