采用輪輻式應變結構,有良好的抗側抗偏載能力;高精度高靈敏系數輸出(4mV/V或2 mV/V);多層封膠,符合IP-67密封標準。適用于汽車秤,平臺秤,料斗秤,軌道衡等電子衡器。
The spoke strain structure is adopted and has good ability for resisting lateral and deflecting load. It has both high accuracy and high sensitivity (4mV/V); Multi-layers pastern sealing is used and consistent with IP-67 sealing standard. It is suitable for electronical scales like truck scales, platform scales, hopper scales and rail scales etc.
量程范圍(Scaling Range[t]): 2.5t,5t,10t,30t,50t,60t,80t,120t,150t
準確度等級(Accuracy Degree):0.05/0.1(80t 以上)
材質(Material): 合金結構鋼
技術指標 (Technical Specification):
技術參數 Technical parameter | 單位 Unit | 技術指標 Specification |
輸出靈敏系數Sensitivity | mV/V | 2±0.01/4±0.01 |
綜合誤差Synthetical error | % F.S | 0.05(含底座) |
重復性Repeatability | % F.S | 0.02 |
蠕變Creep(20min) | % F.S | 0.03 |
零點恢復Zero recover(20min) | % F.S | 0.03 |
零點輸出Zero balance | % F.S | ±1 |
零點溫漂Temp. Effect on zero signal | % F.S /10℃ | 0.026 |
靈敏系數溫漂Temp. Effect on sensitivity | % F.S /10℃ | 0.015 |
溫度補償范圍Temp. Compensation range | ℃ | -10 ~ +55 |
安全溫度范圍Safe temp. range | ℃ | -20 ~ +70 |
輸出阻抗Output resistance | Ω | 350±3 |
輸入阻抗Input resistance | Ω | 380±10 |
絕緣電阻Insulation resistance | MΩ | >5000 |
推薦激勵電壓Nominal excitation voltage | V DC/AC | 10 |
激勵電壓Max. Excitation voltage | V DC/AC | 15 |
安全過載Safe load limit | % F.S | 150 |
極限過載Breaking load | % F.S | 300 |
電纜長度Cable length | m(四芯屏蔽電纜) | 15(或根據用戶要求) |
11電纜接線標識(Cable Color): 紅——輸入(+);黑/蘭——輸入(-);綠——輸出(+);白——輸出(-)。
←Upper bearing head;↑Steel ball;→Pedestal。
We can supply according to scaling range and shape dimension required by users.
外形安裝尺寸(Mounting Dimension):